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Gospel Meets Dharma
Part I: The Big Picture
Setting An Intention
Lineage Beyond Lineage
A Conversion to Love
When does Gospel meet Dharma?
“Know them from the inside”
Unique Views on Reality
Return to Innocence
Reimagining Faith
Iconic Moments
Giving Our Heart to Ultimate Concern
Intention (Reprise)
Abundant Life
Metalineage and Interspiritual Dialogue
Waves of Influence
Preserve the Gifts; Leave the Limitations Behind
The “Bi-directional Missionary”
Softening in the Solvent of Spirit
Meditation: Getting Nowhere
Complementary to Any Belief System
A Constellation of Illumined Souls
Introduction to Meditation: Calling in the Retinue
Meditation: Calling in the Retinue
Part II: Building Blocks: Core Teachings
What We Love We Become
Centers of Intelligence
Sameness and Difference
On Mystery
Holy Spirit and Impermanence
Introduction to Meditation: Impermanence
Meditation: Impermanence
Mindfulness and Repentance
The Cross and the Bodhi Tree
Strong Determination
Our Birthright
Fingers Pointing at the Moon
Doctrine of the Trikaya
God, Man and World
Introduction to Meditation: Trikaya
Meditation: Trikaya
Ascending and Descending Currents
The Self
Introduction to Meditation: Investigating the Self
Meditation: Investigating the Self
Part III: The Human Dilemma
The Human Dilemma: Sin and Suffering
The Snowmass Dialogues / View
Higher and Lower Nature
Father Thomas Keating on Original Sin
Introduction to Meditation: The Energy Centers
Meditation: The Energy Centers
Introduction to Meditation: Push/Pull
Meditation: Push/Pull
Relative and Absolute
A Light In the Darkness
“When You Find You Will Become Troubled…”
The Paradox of Sin and Suffering
Part IV: Praxis
Great Faith, Great Doubt, Great Perseverance
Introduction to Meditation: Just Sitting
Meditation: Just Sitting
Lightsome Faith, Darksome Faith
Introduction to Meditation: Contemplative Prayer
Meditation: Contemplative Prayer
Prayer and Meditation
First, Second, Third Person Perspectives
Still Sitting
Concentration, Clarity, Equanimity
Introduction to Meditation: First Person, Second Person
Meditation: First Person, Second Person
Invincible Peace
Scripture and Sutra
Emptiness and Fullness
A Middle Way
One Finger Zen
Precepts and Commandments
Sila, Samadhi, Prajna
Commandments, Prayer and Intimacy with the Divine
Concrete Container
Parables and Koans
Workers in the Vineyard
Buddhist Service
Christian Service
The Dignity of the Individual
Part V: The Path of the Human Being
The Fruits of the Path
Meditation: Always NOW
Salvation and Awakening
Introduction to Meditation: Our Basic Goodness
Meditation: Our Basic Goodness
The Unitive State
The One Great Truth
This Is My Body
The Teaching Manifests
Personal and Universal
Introduction to Meditation: Virtue
Meditation: Virtue
Master Stroke
Kenosis (Self-Emptying Love)
Upekkha (Equanimity)
Inner Technologies
Communal Salvation, Collective Awakening
Circle of the Way
Introduction to Meditation: Uniquely Personal, Universally Divine
Meditation: Uniquely Personal, Universally Divine
Part VI: Metalineage
Metalineage: Taking a Stand for One Another
A Constellation of Perspectives
Taking Inventory: Strengths of Buddhism
Strengths of Christianity
Potential Pitfalls of Buddhism
Potential Pitfalls of Christianity
The Points of Agreement
“This is the best thing you can do with your life.”
Come Follow Me
Meditation: Gravity
Meditations (Audio Only)
Introduction to Meditation: Calling in the Retinue
Meditation: Calling in the Retinue
Introduction to Meditation: Impermanence
Meditation: Impermanence
Introduction to Meditation: Trikaya
Meditation: Trikaya
Introduction to Meditation: Investigating the Self
Meditation: Investigating the Self
Introduction to Meditation: The Energy Centers
Meditation: The Energy Centers
Introduction to Meditation: Push/Pull
Meditation: Push/Pull
Introduction to Meditation: Just Sitting
Meditation: Just Sitting
Introduction to Meditation: Contemplative Prayer
Meditation: Contemplative Prayer
Introduction to Meditation: First Person, Second Person
Meditation: First Person, Second Person
Introduction to Meditation: Our Basic Goodness
Meditation: Our Basic Goodness
Introduction to Meditation: Virtue
Meditation: Virtue
Introduction to Meditation: Uniquely Personal, Universally Divine
Meditation: Uniquely Personal, Universally Divine
The Cross and the Bodhi Tree
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